Affiliate Disclosure

In 2015, the Federal Trade Commission released their new rules for Disclosure Compliance. These rules are set in place to ensure that readers or viewers of web media (blogs, Youtube videos, etc.) know if the blogger/presenter is sponsored, endorsed, or partnered with a different company. In blog terms, the readers need to know if the … Read more

Workplace Accommodation For Burn Injury Recovery

When an employee suffers a burn injury, the ramifications extend beyond the immediate physical harm. Recovery from such injuries typically involves a complex healing process, which can significantly affect their work life. Here, we delve into what burn injuries entail, the associated recovery timelines, and how these factors implicate workplace dynamics. Burn injuries range from … Read more

Self-esteem For Survivors Of Trauma

When we speak of trauma, we’re referring to experiences that deeply disturb us, whether they’re singular events or ongoing circumstances. These experiences can leave scars that extend far beyond the physical, often profoundly wounding our self-esteem. The link between trauma and self-esteem isn’t one of cause and effect but rather a complex relationship where the … Read more

Find Purpose Through Service To Others

I often meet people searching for purpose, looking to inject meaning into their lives. Finding your purpose isn’t a mystery locked in a box; it can be as simple as serving others. As Mahatma Gandhi said “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Purpose means having a … Read more

Art Therapy Benefits Mental Health

You’re probably familiar with the relief that comes from doodling during a long phone call or the sense of tranquility when painting a scenic landscape. There’s more to it than just relaxation Art therapy taps into that soothing experience and turns it into a therapeutic tool .At its core, art therapy relies on a partnership … Read more

Serenity Unlocked : Faith and Mental Health

Serenity isn’t some elusive state that is reserved for monks on distant mountaintops. it is a tangible piece of mind that you can achieve, no matter where you are. It’s that inner calm, an undisturbed state of being that we’re all chasing in our busy lives. But what’s really fascinating is how serenity is woven … Read more

Captivating journey of gratitude journaling.

The concept of gratitude journaling isn’t a modern innovation. Its roots are deep-seated in many cultural traditions of taking time to reflect and give thanks. I believe it’s essential to appreciate the historical context of this practice to fully understand its power. As Marcus Tullius Cicero (a Roman lawyer ) put it “Gratitude is not … Read more

Relationships’ Mental Health Impact: The Power Of Connection

Think of the last time you shared a laugh with someone or a meaningful glance. These moments might seem simple, but they embody the profound concept of human connection. It’s essentially our interaction with others, encompassing everything from a brief chat with the barista to the deep bonds we share with family. As humans, I … Read more

Embracing Imperfections And Flaws

In a world obsessed with perfection, where flawless facades dominate our screens and social feeds, I’m here to challenge that narrative and discuss ways of transforming our quirks and flaws from sources of shame into badges of honor. You know what I mean–those pictures that set up an unrealistic standard for beauty and worth. Let’s … Read more

“Rediscover The Magic: Finding Joy In Life Once More

You are going to find out about the essential role joy plays in our everyday lives. It’s the spark that lights up our eyes, fuels our passions, and makes life seem that bit sweeter. But it’s not always a constant presence. Many of us have lost touch with our innate sense of joy, obscured by … Read more